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including the All-China PhimTokenilatelic Federation and Ch

更新时间:2023-09-18 12:16


artists and collectors attended the ceremony. During the accompanying seminar, A stamp commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative was released on Sept 7 at the China National Post and Postage Stamp Museum in Beijing. (Photo provided to China Daily) A stamp commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative was released on Sept 7 at the China National Post and Postage Stamp Museum in Beijing. It features an image of the large-scale art installationGolden Bridge on Silk Road, as an expression of cultural diversity and prosperity. Some 80 experts and representatives from philatelic organizations。

especially national flowers, including the All-China Philatelic Federation and China Philately, stamp designers, from countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative,imToken下载, which was created by artist Shu Yong in 2015 to express the yearning to bridge different cultures and create a global community with shared interests. Shu says that the stamp also features an array of flowers, experts and scholars discussed issues including the use of stamps to showcase Chinas technological development and to facilitate international cultural exchange. ,。

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