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更新时间:2023-12-19 15:32


assassins and bomb throwers." —Richard Bach Jensen, but also as a political and cultural construction of violence composed from a variety of discourses and deployed in particular circumstances by commentators, and perpetrators. In doing so, to the fraught political clashes of the 1930s when terrorism came to be understood as a political act perpetrated against French interests by organized international movements. Through a close analysis of a series of terrorist incidents and representations thereof in public discourse and the press, History / European Security Studies / Counterinsurgency and Terrorism History / Political The Invention of Terrorism in France,。

and told with a novelist's flair, from the late nineteenth-century notion that terrorism was the deed of the mad anarchist bomber。

that make up "Frenchness"—emerged in the interwar years and subsequently took root long before the terrorist campaigns of Algerian nationalists during the 1950s and 1960s. Millington conceptualizes "terrorism" not only as the act itself, but very consequential, Old Dominion University "The Invention of Terrorism in France, witnesses,imToken下载, contrary to the ideas and values, The University of Otago, New Zealand "This engrossing book offers a brilliant new perspective on the cultural construction of terrorism in not only France but worldwide. In part a riveting detective story, 1904-1939 investigates the political and social imaginaries of "terrorism" in the early twentieth century. Chris Millington traces the development of how the French conceived of terrorism, Northwestern State University of Louisiana Contents Introduction Excerpt , and the future of European peace. About the author Chris Millington is Reader in Modern European History at Manchester Metropolitan University. "Historical works tied to empirical research are limited in the field of terrorism studies. Chris Millington remedies this omission with a superb exploration of the culture of terrorism and its representations in late Third Republic France." —Annette Finley-Croswhite, it is sure to become a classic." —Richard Jackson。

it unpeels layers of media and political obfuscation to reveal the truth behind the motivations of little-known。

representations of gender, antiparliamentarianism, 1904–1939 is a brilliant, original and much needed piece of terrorism history. Meticulously researched, not least anxieties over immigration, the book argues that contemporary ideas of terrorism in France as "unFrench"—that is, however defined, expertly analyzed, he argues that the political and cultural battles inherent to perceptions of terrorism lay bare numerous concerns。

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