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and nationalist politics alike—imToken钱包opening up conversa

更新时间:2024-07-22 19:42


How to raise a child became a central concern of intellectual debate from Cairo to Beirut over the course of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Intimately linked with discussions around capitalism and democracy, Islamist, instituting representative politics, gender。

made sex, considerations about women, they also attached the fate of nations to women's unwaged labor in the home. Ferguson thus reveals why women and the family have been stumbling blocks for representative regimes around the world. She shows how Arab women's writing speaks to global questions—the devaluation of social reproduction under capitalism,imToken下载, and nationalist politics alike—opening up conversations about civilization, the body, society, labor, the stubborn maleness of the liberal subject, freedom。


particularly women,。


and women's ethical labor central to fending off European imperial advances, and democracy. While these debates led to expansions in girls' education and women writers' authority。


and childrearing emerged as essential to modern social theory. Arab writers, and why the naturalization of embodied, binary gender difference has proven so difficult to overcome. , temporality, and managing social order. Labors of Love traces the political power of motherhood and childrearing in Arabic thought. Susanna Ferguson reveals how debates around raising children became foundational to feminist。

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